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George Taylor
I haven\'t had anyone posting any stories for a while so I figured i would tell one of my own. I remember first meeting Matt one night after a 3-11 shift. He was out with his friends and I had gotten off work from my own department. I thought Matt was a strange bird at first. A young officer with a "Salty Old Timer" demeanor. Not that it\'s a bad thing, just that I found it to be entertaining. After that night, Matt and I became friends and would get together regualry. I remember living in Norwalk and Matt would stop by the house while he was on his dinner break and spend time with my wife and I at the time. We would have dinner, maybe watch a movie till young rookie would call in a traffic stop and Matt would leave the house grumbling about "what in the hell is he doing???" It would make us laugh. Even as I write this, I smile at the memory. For those of us who knew Matt, for his tough guy persona, I got to know a guy who loved his daughter more than anything and a friend who would do anything for a friend. Those type of people don\'t come out of the woodwork in life. And just like now, I miss picking up the phone and making a plan to hang with my friend.
Please take the time and share with all of us your thoughts, feelings or anything. You can do so in an unsigned format (anonymous). I just would like his parents and his family to read these stories and thoughts and know the impact that Matt had on all our lives. I want to help them through this difficult time in their lives with the love and support that each of us can give.
I wish everyone reading this a safe and prosporus new year.

George Taylor
Barbara Allen
I remember when Matt was born (hoping for a girl) we all grew up on Wilson Rd. in my Grandmothers' backyard,all any of us had to do was whistle and we all would get together in that backyard and play forever sometimes we fought but before the night was over and everyone would head for home we'd say we'll finish this tomorrow and we did.There was alot of life growing up on that little road.When Matt went to desert storm my Grandmother had me tie a yellow ribbon around her old oak tree and after Matt returned and the war ended I asked if she wanted me to take it down and she said"Matt drives by here everyday and I want him to know how much I love him when he's here and when he's not" We have lots of yellow ribbons for you Matt and when my time is over here just whistle.  
Kim Greenman

I met Matt when he worked as a ED tech on the night shift at Norwalk Hospital. We could talk all night long about everything and nothing at all. When he was on duty, he would come in as well with prisoners that needed care.  He always remembered to bring me coffee light and sweet, or "girly" coffee as he called it, for me if I was on shift.

We went SCUBA diving together at times too. Such a good partner.

He was an EXCELLENT Dad and he will be in everyone's hearts that knew him.

Matt......I will always remember the wink you gave  as you turned to leave everytime.

God Bless you and your loving Family in this difficult time.

Todd Bucaro

I remember playing softball with him at the FD in Weston.I have never seen some one start running so slow and finish way a head of anyone else.Love you Matt

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